My next bread class is coming up next week. So if you want to enjoy amazing breads of YOUR creation hurry up and shoot me an email at For more details on the class check out “Classes” section at the top of this page.
My next bread class is coming up in a couple of weeks. So if you want to enjoy amazing breads of YOUR creation hurry up and shoot me an email at For more details on the class check out “Classes” section at the top of this page.
Fresh Italian sausages. They are very easy to make… well once you get the hang of it. And extremely rewarding in flavor. Not to mention cost-effective. These are made with high quality meat, fresh herbs from the garden and natural hog casings. Heaven for anyone who appreciates a good sausage like my kids and wife!
This “charming” looking contraption is my sausage incubator in action. If you like dry cure sausage (I do) and want to make it precisely to your own taste (as I do), you have to go through this process. It’s a walk into a semi-lab-clean and semi-bio-hazardous nook. This is how you grow your good bacteria and develop the mold on the casing. The sausages hang there for about 2-3 days before going into the drying chamber. It can be intimidating and kinda unappealing at first. But the outcome… oh boy, those sausages when ready and dried, are unbelievable!