The City Farmers offers classes of how to make rustic traditional county wild yeast breads using Dutch Oven Pot. Our class is based on a unique technique that I developed based on several traditional methods to baking bread at home. This system requires much less effort. It is simple, flexible and guaranties amazing results every time!
Bread Class 1
• Small class, 4-5 participants only
• In this 4 hour class you will taste breads with cheese & wine
• You will learn about wild yeast, how to grow and take care of them
• You will learn our basic recipe and our unique bullet-proof technique to baking amazing breads with ease
• Walk home with a batch of happy wild yeast culture
To set a class date and pricing please email us here.
Bread Class 2
This is a follow up class to Bread Class 1. After getting familiar with the basic technique and practicing it at home, you can learn additional techniques and more complex recipes that are based on our system. Plus get a deeper understanding of the process and get more insight following your experience with our system.
• In this 4 hour class will taste breads with cheese & wine (again)
• You will learn how to handle wet doughs
• You will learn how to handle heavy doughs
• You will learn our signature rye bread recipe
To set a class date and pricing please email us here.
Additional Classes
We will also host additional classes designed for the urban homesteader and the do-it-at-home folks. All the classes are in small groups of 4-6 participants. They all include background knowledge, practical advise and demos. The classes are based on unique systems developed by The City Farmers based on combination of traditional and innovative methods. We learn, test, and then find new ways to enable us to produce our own food, thereby bringing rich healthy and pleasureful experiences in our fast city lives.
Future classes will include:
• Urban Farming – how to grow more food in a limited space, using companion planting, deep beds, soil management, composting and more
• Winter harvest – setting up a seasonal greenhouse in your back yard
• Raising chickens – the ins and outs of raising egg laying chickens in the city
• Sausage making – how to make amazing fresh sausages on your spare time
To find out more about our classes please contact us here.